The Black Footed Cat Project

Ensuring Species Preservation


We are a project dedicated to ensuring the preservation of the smallest wild cat species in Africa. Our founders are passionate about the Black Footed Cat and resolved to assist in their conservation wherever possible. To this end The Black Footed Cat Project was established. We strive to add to and assist existing Programmes to prevent the species from becoming listed as yet another endangered species.

Black Footed Cats get their name from the colour of the pads and the fur on the underside of their feet. Despite their small stature they have a stocky build with round ears, large eyes and a short black-tipped tail. Their fur is generally a tawny colour patterned with black or brown spots that merge to form rings on their legs, tail and neck.  These tiny cats are the most successful hunter in the cat family and do all of their hunting during sunset and evening. 

Black Footed Cats are endemic to Southern Africa with the majority of the population found predominantly in South Africa and Namibia. They can be found in Botswana and Zimbabwe as well but they are scarce in these countries. Their preferred habitats are dry open savannah, grasslands and Karoo semi-desert with sparse shrub and tree cover. Black Footed Cats are predominantly found on the ground and do not readily take to trees. They use abandoned termite mounds and other animal dens during the day.